


Coconut sugar or commonly known as coconut palm sugar has been in use traditionally for edges in South-East Asia for cooking, baking and blending with beverages. Coconut sugar origins from golden coconut palm flower nectar that is drawn from the flower buds of the coconut palm and further processed without any use of artificial ingredient in its production, which in turn results into a high purity of natural sweetener. It is also proven by lot of health experts that coconut sugar is one of the best alternative of white table sugar and helps to keep your sweet cravings balanced.

Nutrient’s rich sweetener

Organic coconut sugar or commonly known as coconut palm sugar has been in use traditionally for edges in South-East Asia for cooking, baking and blending with beverages. Coconut sugar origins from golden coconut palm flower nectar that is drawn from the flower buds of the coconut palm and further processed without any use of artificial ingredient in its production, which in turn results into a high purity of natural sweetener. According to the Philippine department of agriculture, coconut sugar contains several essential nutrients. Most notably the minerals irons, calcium, zinc and potassium but these nutrients are in trace amounts, so one would need to eat cups of coconut sugar just to get a noticeable difference. It would be advisable to consume coconut sugar in a balanced way similary like in case of white sugar.

Ranks Low Glycemic Index

First of all, the glycemic index (GI) is the measurement of how carbohydrates affect blood sugar levels after having food. High GI foods are quickly digested and absorbed by the body which certainly cause powerful spikes in blood sugar. On the other side, Low-GI foods are absorbed quite slowly, saving health damaging insulin spike and hence produce lower and slower rise of the blood sugar, that have proven benefits for health.
The GI value of coconut sugar is 35. Comparatively, table sugar’s glycemic index ranges from 60 to 75. The most commonly used sweetener that is high-fructose corn syrup in processed foods in the USA, has GI index of 75. Other famously used natural sweetener, maple syrup has a GI of around 54. The GI of coconut sugar is lower than these other sweeteners and proving it a healthier option.

Highly Sustainable

“The most sustainable sugar on the planet”. According to ‘The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the World Bank’, coconut sugar is the only most sustainable sweetener around the world because coconut palm trees can produce more sugar when compared to sugar cane, approx 50-75% more per acre, and requires less soil nutrients and water in its process. Single coconut tree can be tapped restlessly for the coming 2 decades and more than this it can survive in damaged soil and certainly restore it.

There are some environmental problems with sugar cane production which may not present with coconut sugar production, wherein the tree can keep producing the sap year after year. As per the industry websites, less water is used in the production of coconut sugar, and coconut palms can grow in very poor soil, such as sandy beaches. Hence coconut palm trees not just give us healthy sweetener but it also benefited for the ecology of the environment.